Sweet Emma Intro  - V i s u a l   C u l t u r e   -  Film Europe




Questions on "Sweet Emma, Dear Böbe" (Hungary, 1992)

1. What does Emma's dream represent? Comment on the contents and her state of mind?

2. Comment on the location and set of the film. What do they characterise?

3. What historical reference to the cinema is hidden in the last scene?

4. ? Non capisco la domanda - aiuto?

5. How would you describe the life of the two girls as characterised in the film?

6. How could you describe their values? Make two lists of these, one for Emma and One for Böbe. What are the most important differences?

7. What do you think is the importance of their profession?

8. To what extent is their situation determined by their gender? To what extent is this a woman's film? (feminine/feminist/girly?)

9. How do you explain Böbe's suicide?

10. How does the film show the relationship between historical and political change in Hungary and the fate of the individual?